Losing weight is not the eternal magic fat girl solution

When you’ve undergone test after test to figure out why you are sick, there is a moment – a moment when a test turns up information. Not quite a diagnosis, not quite a precise answer. But still, it is something to cling to in a landscape colored by bias, insurance industries, and sexism, of people […]

Fat, Gay, & in the Way: My latest for the Pittsburgh Current

What does it mean to be fat, gay& in the way? I consider this in my latest for the Pittsburgh Current “At the end of my freshman year of college, my father criticized me for gaining the fabled “Freshman Fifteen,” and I felt shame, even despair. It took me years to acknowledge that this had […]

Ehrrin, 45, identifies as a white cis fat queer femme dyke in Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

Queer Femme Pittsburgh

  “I WANT to be seen as queer, as it is a foundational part of my identity.” Name: Ehrrin Age: 45 County of Residence:  Allegheny Pronouns: she/her How do you describe your identity?  I am a white cis fat queer femme dyke. I grew up rural and working class, and alllmost southern. I hail from southern West Virginia which […]

Seth, 21, Came Out as Bi and Trans Via Power Point #AMPLIFY

Name: Seth Giovanni DiMartile Age: 21 County of Residence:  Allegheny, formerly Philadelphia and Mays Landing, New Jersey Pronouns: he/him/his How do you describe your identity? Oh, Lord. I’m bi, but queer and gay are also acceptable, my gender isn’t quite binary; trans, trans boy, transmasculine, boy, guy, and male are all acceptable, I don’t really like the terms […]