Four Reasons We Use a Q&A Format to Interview Artists & The Exception We Made for Emily Saliers

  We like Q&A’s. Read our archive here (and the AMPLIFY archive here.) Recently, more than a few of our potential interviewees just didn’t return their Q&A so we were not able to promote their event/performance/activity. They also didn’t benefit from the SEO and outgoing links and all that lovely Interwebs magic. And there’s a […]

Interview with Emily Saliers of ‘The Indigo Girls’ About Their Upcoming Pittsburgh Show

What’s really on my mind and on Amy’s mind is that we have to remain active in the political process, keep our eyes and ears open seek out any sources of information or education we can get to stay on top of what’s happening. If they had it their way behind closed doors they would just push through all this legislation and hate and roll us back and its intolerable and it can’t be done, so that’s my that’s what’s on our minds as far as our activism and staying vigilant these days in particularly with regards to the queer movement,