Darlene Harris, Donald Trump, and Doing the Right Thing in Pittsburgh

You may have heard that Pittsburgh City Councilor Darlene Harris raised a ruckus when she used her personal vehicle to drive through a Northside Park along the walking paths. She claims she was investigating City stuff. This quickly deteriorated into the ‘Darlene, woman of the people’ folks and ‘Darlene is a self-entitled jagoff’ folks. I […]

My New Doctor Didn’t Fat Shame Me

Dances With Fat

I went to a new doctor this morning, an allergist. My rhinitis has been horrible since early spring to the point that Ledcat convinced me to see my PCP because my typical treatment wasn’t working very well.The PCP gave me some stop-gap suggestions and referred me to the allergist, suggesting that I might need allergy […]

Do Pgh Memes Inherently Have To Be Racist, Transphobic and Vicious?

Social Media Hate

This is why we can’t have nice things in Pittsburgh. Content Notes: lots of hate. And few allies calling it out. I pretty much think of any new “rah rah Pittsburgh” effort as a reflection on the #NextPgh concept. And this is not always good. There’s a new Facebook Page called “Pittsburgh Meme” that is […]