Pat Downey of Squirrel Hill calls a bigot power move like she sees it. 

It has even created a new church structure to receive disaffected Anglicans -- read, those who cannot tolerate their church's ordination of women and the election of openly gay bishops.

That the Vatican is bending "sacred rules" to welcome these bigots is more evidence of the stubborn ignorance of church leaders.

The good news is that change is happening regardless of a hierarchy that is too rigid, too divisive and too contentious.

Eighty percent of the laity, who largely ignore papal dictates, have come to understand that they are the church.

I'm kind of bored with the hair splitting analysis of mainstream Christian denominations.  I know we are supposed to reclaim our churches, but it just seems like a bunch of wasted energy tonight as I reread the original story in the PG. 

On the one hand, it is important to see the impact the bigotry "light" has on the community.  They do a lot of damage.  But doesn't the PG get tired of the Luthern-Episcopal-Catholic round robin?  I do. 

Thanks for writing, Pat.