"That's a good thing, right?" responds Ledcat to my plaintive wail that there is nothing to blog about.  "No one is smearing local bar owners or other crap like that, right?"

She's got a point. 

OUTrageous Bingo is debuting at its new Oakland home of Rodef Shalom.  7 PM Saturday.  Be there or be (an Iron City) Square!  I amuse only myself with that one.  You, however, should go to Bingo and win big. 

I'm heading over to City Theater on Saturday to catch the "bloggers special" performance of The Vagina Monologues.  Stay tuned for a full review as only your lesbians can provide it.

An interesting twist on your typical gay bash. A 16 year old Dublin boy attacked and beat up a heterosexual couple after mistaking them for a gay couple (the woman had a masculine haircut).  She and her boyfriend have both recovered from their injuries.

Theresa Sparks, the trans woman recipient of the HRC's 2004 Equality Award, has returned the award in protest of the organization's continued support for a version of the ENDA that is not transinclusive.  Follow the link for more details.

Ledcat and I spend more time than you'd imagine reading magazines.  We have three weeklies, a biweekly and more than five monthly magazines.  I get the trifecta of feminist magazines -- Ms., Bitch and Bust.  I'm considering adding Curve and, after reading the feature on Lance Bass, The Advocate.  Rumor has it that Lance Bass might roll into town sometime this spring.  I'm more interested in reading his book than I expected.  Seriously.

My favorite magazine?  A tie between Bitch and The Week with a slight edge for Bitch.