Hey.  This morning, Ledcat and I rolled out of bed early to head up to North Park to celebrate Bark in the Park with Animal Friends.  Mona was ecstatic about it, but the boys stayed home. 

When we arrived, we saw that the police had detained two individuals and word in the park was that they were protestors there about the geese massacre.  We were unable to confirm that fact, so I thought I'd throw the incident out to see if anyone knows exactly what went down and why?  I have my suspicions, but I'm waiting for details before I share them with the world.

The event was nice.  Saw some old and new friends and we met a dog named Sushi that could be Mona's older sister.  In fact, someone else mistook Mona for Sushi.  Mona didn't care -- there was petting involved.  Mona also made a paw print painting for the fridge. 

Mona participated in the tennis ball activity where she was supposed to "choose" one either by sniffing it or picking it up in her mouth.  She opted to claim them all by laying  down on top of the entire pile.  When it came time to claim her prize, she stuck her head in the box and came up empty.  So I picked out a cute little plaid purse that squeaked.  She approved and brought it home where Xander promptly claimed it as his "man bag" and has had it with him at all times ever since.  Deus tried to take it, but Xander stood his ground.  It coordinates better with his ensemble anyway.

Anyway, I hope someone can clue me in on the police activity....