Sue beat me to the punch on this one, too. I'm not as dedicated a blogger as she is. Recetnly she wrote an article talking about how a "queer" woman made a comment to the effect that she didn't recognize/acknowledge Sue & I at Steel Queer N' At  because she didn't think I/Sue would be at that type of event. Or words to that affect.

I should have questioned her about what she meant. 'Cause sister, I have the street cred to go anywhere that I want to go. Yes, I'm white. Yes, I'm middle class (barely) and yes, I have a law degree. But I have paid my dues in spades. I toiled as a young female lawyer making $7-8 dollars an hour for a man who made that in a minute. But it was the only job out there and I wanted to practice law. I've been poor. I've had to scrimp to make ends meet--to pay bills, etc. So this notion that if you're not dirt poor you don't qualify as "queer" is bullsh*t. With a capital B.

I also have the street cred because I have been an outlaw and nonconformist my whole life. From the time I can remember, I didn't like dresses, pink, frills or any of the things "normal" little girls liked. To this day, when I pass the woman's section in any store, my reaction to the clothes on display is one of utter disinterest. I have worn short hair for quite awhile along with men's/boy's clothing. Sure, I've worn women's clothing--still do. But I have never fit the image of a woman in this society. And I've been mistaken for a man or a boy countless times. I've been queer before queer was a word.

So don't stereotype me. You haven't earned the right. You haven't paid your dues. And to top it off, this particular person then made a comment about her--boyfriend. What a f**king joke. I've been a lesbian since forever. And I've paid a price for it. So don't look down your nose at me and sneer.