Tune into KDKA Thursday evening when I'll join evening host John McIntire for an in depth look at Mary Cheney's book tour.  Yes, Mary has a new book out "It's My Turn Now" which gives us an inside peek at the life of a traitorous Republican whore who happens to be a lesbian.  John enjoys lesbian peeking, but prefers his traitorous whores to be apolitical so this might get interesting. 

I'll be on during the 9 PM hour. 

Here's something interesting from Americablog.com

For someone who has been "out" for a decade, Mary still shows major signs of just-coming-out syndrome. It's what Jeff Gannon is going through, and what many if not most gays go through (especially conservative ones) when they first come to terms with being gay. They start being publicly gay, sometimes say good things, but more often than not their internalized homophobia comes slipping out.

A newbie's coming out experience is usually indicated by one or more of the following utterances:

  1. I'm not one of those "activists." (I.e., I don't do anything to defend my rights, so I belittle people who do in order to make myself feel better.)
  2. Sure I'm gay, but it's not all I am, I'm other things too. (I.e., I'm still a bit embarrassed about who I am and about the fact that I'm not an activist).
  3. Why can't gay people be more "normal," like me? (Normal means hiding out in the suburbs.)
  4. I'm not a single-issue voter. (I.e., I still vote Republican and the only issue I DON'T take account when voting is "me.")
  5. Republicans don't really hate gay people, they just "have" to vote the way they do for politics. (I.e., I still vote Republican.)
  6. Democrats, sure they vote FOR gay people, but they're not perfect either. (I.e., I know Republicans trash gays 90% of the time and the Dems help gays 90% of the time, but I still need to justify why I vote for a party that hates me.)

This is all over the blogosphere (the gaily decorated blogosphere I should add) and its amusing to no end reading the defensive crap popping up from the homos.  Especially those who live in the suburbs and want to rationalize their privileged quasi-gay existance.  Listen up -- watching LOGO and subscribing to The Advocate do not make you a gay advocate.  It barely makes you gay.  Get off your privileged ass and do something.