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View Article  Why my Dan Onorato counter remains ...

While I am heartened to learn about the recommendations of the Human Relations Commission to extend domestic partner benefits to Allegheny County employees,  I must admit wondering what the next hurdle will be? 

I don't enjoy being cynical on this topic.  My heart feels for the employees left in limbo because the process has taken six + years so perhaps I'm too quick to think the County Personnel Director could have lunch with the City Personnel Director and figure the basics out.  I know unions, rules, negotiatons, blah, blah, blah.  Still, as the recommendations point out ... both the City and the Public Schools overcame those obstacles so yeah, let's stop with the excuses.

I know we have to elect Dan Onorato to save the Commonwealth from uber-crazy and hope the resulting shift right won't roll the liberals into New Jersey.  Still, we don't have to quietly into the good night.  We have an equally important race to focus on federally and there are only so many LGBTQ campaign donations to go around. 

There's a clear benefit to extending these benefits over the summer -- a big progressive bump at Labor Day. What could be the reason for more delays?  Would it really impact the moderate voter?  Would they care?  Would someone in the T see it as a homosexual lobby issue?

I say give the campaign a call and ask when the health care for same sex families employed by the County will be resolved.  That's the day you put on your bumper sticker and write your check.  It really doesn't have to be complicated. 

(412) 281-5678

Plus, I'd really like to start counting how long it will take Governor Onorato to help pass HB 300.  :-)

View Article  Letters! We love letters!

As always, I get very excited when folks write about stuff in the PG letters section.  Average folks exercising their First Amendment muscles ... what better way to start a Saturday!

This one made me snort my coffee:

Bring in his brother

Regarding Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's 311 line:

It's annoying that we, Pittsburgh taxpayers, must wait and hear numerous delays when one desires to report a situation to this help line.

I suggest the mayor give his brother Adam a job in the call center, and then maybe the wait will not be so long.



View Article  Another step toward domestic partner benefits for Allegheny County employees

Yesterday, the Allegheny County Human Relations Commission made a formal recommendation that Allegheny County provide domestic partner benefits to County employees ...

Whereas the City of Pittsburgh has made domestic partner health benefits available to its employees for approximately a decade, and,

Whereas in recent years benefits of this nature have been made available by other public employers including the Pittsburgh School District, Pennsylvania?s Court System, and many colleges and universities;

It is hereby resolved that the Commission recommends that Allegheny County take steps to make domestic partner benefits available to its employees.

This is a fairly impressive recommendation given that this was the second meeting of this all-volunteer body.  They didn't really have to look around for evidence that this is the right AND economically sound thing to do (my interpretation).

The nuts and bolts are appropriately left to the Personnel Department. That shouldn't be too complicated as the recommendation points directly to several other entities that have made it work. 

From Slag Heap

While there was some discussion of tax issues -- under federal law, benefits for an unmarried partner count as taxable wages -- McGough says, "The city found ways to deal with that years ago."

Yes, this is a non-issue on the County level.  It sucks that we pay taxes on health insurance that other people get for free, but it is up to the employee to do that cost-benefit analysis.  The proper response would be to lobby the federal goverment to address this unfair taxation.  UNFAIR TAXATION is the issue, not denial of health insurance. 

I'm so pleased the HRC turned this around quickly. My personal opinion, as you may recall, was that Onorato was using this as a stalling tactic for some reason.  But it is done, we know this can happen, should happen and now -- let's make it happen.  Before November, if you please.

The HRC is moving on to tackling discrimination issues. 



View Article  Local papers cover 2010 Pittsburgh PrideFest

Check out this nice piece in the Post-Gazette.  It is a nice article and a nice festival, but I have to admit some sadness that the political/activist edge of Pride has morphed into a celebration of assimilation.  I know that's the trend and it certainly isn't the fault of anyone local that Pride has lost some of that bite. Still ... it seems less than stunning when three white men are the symbols of progress.  All three are accomplished certainly, but I'm just reflecting the disillusionment women and persons of color have been sharing with me.  It is "nice" but not really telling all of us that we belong , isn't it? 

And then there is this column from the Tribune Review.  Again another nice piece.  I like the Mr. Rogers references ... he was known for being a gay advocate in a quiet appropriate way for a preschool rock star. 

Still, Pride coverage hit both papers proving once again that the local media is paying attention to LGBTQ issues. I'll be at Pride and admittedly would like to see a Kip Williams moment when the ahem, elected advocates take the stage. Maybe I'm naughty, but I'm sucking it up for the good of the cause.  I do deserve a little snark here and there, though.  You wouldn't believe me if I extolled Onorato's LGBTQ credibility anyway, would you?

I don't really care. I care about Ricky Burgess not putting his photo in the Pride Guide. What's up with that?  Who is working on it or are we supposed to once again let the behind the scenes folks take care of it? That didn't work out so well for Cue Magazine's coverage of the homo-donut shop and it won't work here.  Well, let me correct myself, it will work for the time being but at some point ... do we all belong if a significant leader in the African-American community bitch slapped the Pride committee?

View Article  Guess which City Councilor Did Not Opt to be in the 2010 Pride Guide

So much work still to do ...

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